7 Pros and Cons of Online Classes

Whether you’ve got a child enrolling in kindergarten or you’re enrolling into a graduate-level program, online classes have become a common teaching and learning method for schools. With online K-12 programs, undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees, and even some doctorate programs, online classes can benefit everyone.

Some online classes are even offered for free. Here are some of the pros and cons to consider with this unique class structure.

List of the Pros of Online Classes

1. It is more convenient.
Online classes allow you to study and submit classwork from home. Video conferencing allows for in-person teaching without the need to travel to a physical classroom. Some classes may require tests to be supervised by independent third parties, but that is usually the only travel requirement.

2. It is less expensive.
Not only are the commuting costs removed, but the tuition costs are usually much lower for online classes.

3. It takes less time… or more time, if you prefer.
Online classes allow you to work at your own pace. That allows you to move quickly through degree/certification requirements or gives you the chance to take one class at a time. It is much easier to match your class schedule to your life schedule.

4. It provides resource access.
Online classes often offer easy resource access, including virtual libraries, that make it cheaper and easier to study.

List of the Cons of Online Classes

1. It is isolating.
Even if you work in groups, online classes keep people in front of computer screens. There is little human-to-human contact in this format.

2. It has technology costs.
There are technology minimums which must be met to attend most online schools. This may include a high-speed internet connection. If a student does not have this at their home, then they may need to travel to a library, school, or other location to study.

3. It is difficult to measure results.
Online schools require online interactions and the submission of written materials to help show evidence of learning. Some results, however, cannot be measured by the written word. How does an instructor know if the student wrote the report or if someone else wrote it for them? There are fewer checks and balances.

Online classes have numerous pros and cons to consider at the individual level as well. Because of its ease and convenience, many find that the positives often outweigh any negatives that may be present.

About the Author
Brandon Miller has a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a seasoned writer who has written over one hundred articles, which have been read by over 500,000 people. If you have any comments or concerns about this blog post, then please contact the Green Garage team here.