6 Pros and Cons of Parliamentary System

A parliamentary system of government creates a democratic state where the executive branch of government becomes legitimate through its ability to command the legislative branch. The head of government becomes the leader of the party or majority coalition.

Here are the pros and cons of using this system of government.

List of the Pros of a Parliamentary System

1. It offers checks and balances.
Each branch of government in a parliamentary system is governed by a system of checks and balances. That reduces the chances of one branch being able to overpower others when pursuing legislation.

2. It supports a diverse range of opinions.
A true majority within a parliamentary system is rare. That is because anyone can form their own political party to run for office. That means smaller parties tend to work together to form a coalition, which supports more opinions than a standard party platform would.

3. It allows for an election to be called.
Elections can be called within a parliamentary system by the people or those who were elected. That makes it easier for the people to call for a change if they feel like their elected officials are not performing as they should be.

List of the Cons of a Parliamentary System

1. It reduces the voice of minority parties.
Although anyone can form a political party, the large, established political parties have the most influence in a parliamentary system. Unless a coalition is necessary, those with large parties tend to ignore the needs of the smaller parties.

2. It reduces separation from the executive branch.
The executive branch is directly influenced by the legislative branch in this system of government. That means people may vote for the party because of who they think will be the leader of the country instead of who they think will be the best candidate.

3. It does not change royal influences.
A parliamentary system is often overseen by a monarch or royal figure. They may have zero control or ultimate control over the legislation passed by the government. This position is not influenced by the elections which are held.

A parliamentary system provides unique advantages and disadvantages to consider as a form of government. Its benefits often outweigh the negatives, which is why it is one of the most common government structures used today.

About the Author
Brandon Miller has a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a seasoned writer who has written over one hundred articles, which have been read by over 500,000 people. If you have any comments or concerns about this blog post, then please contact the Green Garage team here.