6 Pros and Cons of Being a Vegetarian

Vegetarianism has been around for a long time. However, it has made a comeback in the recent times since it has been popularized by many celebrities, who claim that eating mainly fruits and vegetables is the key to the perfect skin, hair, and body. A lot of people swear by vegetarianism and believe that it’s one of the best ways to achieve good health, but it has also been heavily criticized by those who believe that avoiding meat is not as great as we’re made to believe.

If you’re not sure which side you should be on, it’s time to learn about what being a vegetarian is all about and know what its pros and cons are. You can start by browsing through this list.

List of Pros of Being a Vegetarian

1. It’s good for your health
Obviously, eating more fruits and vegetables can help you become healthier. For one thing, you’ll increase your vitamin and mineral intake, which means you can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to repair itself and create new cells. You’ll also increase your fiber intake, which promotes better digestive function, keeps your appetite under control, and helps you lose extra weight. Of course, you’ll build a stronger immune system and stay away from various illnesses.

2. It protects animals
If you love animals, you probably feel uncomfortable when you eat a burger or a steak, knowing that you’re consuming something that used to be alive. Fortunately, you won’t feel this way when you become a vegetarian. Since you’re no longer eating meat and other animal by-products, you’ll lose the guilt of eating another sentient being.

3. It helps save the environment
The high demand for meat has caused many agricultural companies to use raise more cattle and other animals. The high numbers of livestock, in turn, has lead to an increase in grazing, which destroys the environment through soil erosion and compaction and by damaging areas that are home to native plants and animals. By being a vegetarian, you can help reverse this damage and improve the condition of the environment.

List of Cons of Being a Vegetarian

1. It can expose you to vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Excluding meat from your diet means that you’re not getting certain nutrients. Vitamin B12, for example, is not naturally found in plants but is present in high amounts in eggs, dairy, and meat. By avoiding these foods, you’ll experience Vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to heart palpitations, digestive issues (like diarrhea or constipation), mental health problems, and other complications.

2. It can be mentally and emotionally challenging
Giving up meat, eggs, and dairy can be difficult, particularly if these foods are a staple in your diet. This radical change in your diet can make you feel stressed and even make eating a less enjoyable experience for you. Ultimately, you may decide to give up vegetarianism, which can affect your self-confidence and make you feel like you failed.

3. It limits dining opportunities
Not all restaurants cater to vegetarians, which can make dining out difficult. You’ll need to carefully inspect the menu to look for foods that don’t contain any animal by-products, and you may even have to ask the waiter to know the exact ingredients in a dish. This can remove the spontaneity of eating out and make it less pleasurable.

These are some of the pros and cons of being a vegetarian. Study them closely and weigh each and every factor to know if vegetarianism is the right option for you.

About the Author
Brandon Miller has a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a seasoned writer who has written over one hundred articles, which have been read by over 500,000 people. If you have any comments or concerns about this blog post, then please contact the Green Garage team here.