10 Pros and Cons of Mitosis

Mitosis is a kind of reproduction where only one parent is required and as a result, the offspring contain the same traits and characteristics as that of their parent. This kind of reproduction normally creates what is called clones. It is common in single-celled organisms such as bacteria and prokaryotes. Below are pros and cons that mitosis brings;

The Pros of Mitosis

1. Rapid populating
Mitosis makes it possible for offspring to be reproduced in large quantities helping to fill up niches quickly preventing competition and intruders from invading.

2. No mate are needed
Getting a mate can prove difficult for animals found in desolate environments. Mitosis takes away the need to search for a mate enabling these organisms to multiply on their own.

3. Highly useful in case of emergency
In wanting times, organisms can produce others to keep themselves alive or help them without necessarily having to find a mate.

4. No investment
Mitosis reproductions ensure that offspring don’t have to be carried for longer periods as they can be reproduced in numbers at once. This makes it an inexpensive and quick process as it saves time.

5. Does not require mobility
Mitosis is often done in organisms that normally stay in one location hence moving or relocation is not necessary for an organism to be able to reproduce as it can do it on its own. Most plants and animals hardly move to new places.

6. Environmentally friendly
Unlike meiosis, where the possibilities of the offspring surviving the harsh environmental conditions are a concern when it comes to mitosis, concerns regarding the environment hardly make a difference.

7. Little resources and time are used
Much energy and time are not required for offspring to be produced in mitosis. It can be clearly noted that plants and animals that reproduce mitotically do so without thinking about time or energy.

The Cons of Mitosis

1. No Diversity
Since only the traits of one parent are passed on to offspring, all of them are identical in every way. This leads to lack of diversity among the population.

2. Increases Risk of Extinction
Possessing the similar traits means that the weaknesses are also the same. Predators or parasite that might evolve and kill one of this organism will be able to wipe out the whole population as all are affected the same.

3. Difficult To Adapt
Whatever stimuli an organism might have adapted to are the same stimuli that will get passed down to the offspring and nothing new or altered. This makes it impossible for the offspring to adapt to changes in the environment.

About the Author
Brandon Miller has a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a seasoned writer who has written over one hundred articles, which have been read by over 500,000 people. If you have any comments or concerns about this blog post, then please contact the Green Garage team here.