7 Pros and Cons of Blueberries

Blueberries have been nicknamed as a “superfood” because they contain high amounts of antioxidants and are generally considered as good for the health. Because of this, many people strive to include blueberries in their diets during summer and even use dried or frozen blueberries when they’re no longer in season. However, there are also those who believe that consuming too many blueberries isn’t good for the health, and some even go out of their way to avoid these fruits.

These opposing opinions can leave you confused about blueberries. Fortunately, you can avoid confusion by learning about the pros and cons of these fruits, which are listed below:

List of Pros of Blueberries

1. They’re delicious.
There’s a reason why many drinks, candies, and pastries are blueberry-flavored: blueberries are actually delicious! You don’t even need to add them to anything; as long as you pick them at the right age, you can eat them fresh and enjoy their sweet, tart taste. Of course, if you want to, you can blend them in smoothies or use them in baking muffins.

2. They contain large amounts of nutrients.
Blueberries contain anthocyanins and other kinds of antioxidants, and they’re a great source of Vitamin C. They also contain manganese and Vitamin K along with dietary fiber.

3. They help improve health.
Because of the nutrients it contains, blueberries can assist in maintaining good health. Dietary fiber, for example, improves the digestive system while making you feel full for longer and helping you avoid overeating. Vitamin C can help build a stronger immune system, while antioxidants help reduce inflammation in the body and prevent cancers, heart disease, and vascular problems.

4. They have a low glycemic index.
People think that fruits contain high amounts of sugar, but this isn’t the case with blueberries. One serving has a glycemic index of only 4 out of 100, which is relatively low compared to other foods. This means that blueberries won’t raise your blood sugar too much and that they’re ideal snacks if you’re trying to limit your sugar intake.

List of Cons of Blueberries

1. They can affect blood sugar levels.
The low glycemic index of blueberries is good news for most people, but it can be dangerous for those who have diabetes since the fruits can lower their blood sugar to dangerous levels. If you have diabetes, you need to consult with your healthcare provider if you plan to make blueberries a major part of your diet or if you’re planning to take blueberry-based health supplements.

2. They can interfere with surgery.
Again, this has to do with blueberries’ low glycemic index. Since they can lower your blood sugar, they can make it difficult to control blood glucose levels before and after surgery. Experts recommend that you avoid eating blueberries or taking blueberry-based supplements at least two weeks before your scheduled surgery.

3. They may have pesticides.
This isn’t a problem if you’re sure that you’re eating organic blueberries. But, if you’re not, you may have to worry about eating fruits that are laced with pesticides. Blueberries are part of the Dirty Dozen, which means that commercially grown ones may be sprayed with harmful chemicals.

Keep these in mind to decide if blueberries are the right fruit for you!

About the Author
Brandon Miller has a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a seasoned writer who has written over one hundred articles, which have been read by over 500,000 people. If you have any comments or concerns about this blog post, then please contact the Green Garage team here.