15 Pros and Cons of Owning a Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are one of those dog breeds that cause everyone around to pay attention. They have an alluring appeal with their beautiful blue eyes and wolf-like body profile. It is a canine that looks fierce when you first see them, but then their joyful personalities take over and you fall in love at first sight.

The Siberian Husky is also a dog that offers high energy levels and superior intelligence. It takes a special owner or family to adopt one of these canines. You will need to see if you can keep up with the physical and emotional needs of this breed before bringing one home because your experience and wisdom will be the difference in creating a successful experience.

Several challenges face owners with a Siberian Husky, which is why they often end up being abandoned, taken to shelters, or becoming a stray. By evaluating the pros and cons of this breed before adopting a puppy or bringing home a doggo from your local shelter, you’ll know if you are ready for this challenge.

List of the Pros of Owning a Siberian Husky

1. The Siberian Husky is a good-natured breed.
A Siberian Husky is a dog that comes equipped with an agreeable temperament in most situations. This breed is very outgoing with its personality, and most individuals are extremely gentle and friendly. You can have this doggo around kids and other pets because everyone becomes part of their pack. This advantage is due to the high levels of intelligence that you’ll find in this breed.

Most Huskies are good-natured toward strangers, although they won’t always want to receive a pet from someone they don’t know. These dogs don’t possess the same territorial qualities as other breeds, so you won’t encounter the same levels of suspicious behavior when someone comes over for a visit.

2. Huskies are dogs that are dynamic and playful.
The Siberian Husky is a breed that loves to play. They are agile when compared to other dogs, and their stamina is well above average. You’ll discover that your new pup loves the Great Outdoors, so anything that involves hiking, camping, or swimming is going to be right up their alley. They can learn how to run alongside you if you prefer cycling too.

This breed was meant to pull sleighs, so the snow is when they put in their best work. The Siberian Husky loves to have a job because it creates a purpose for them to enjoy, so let them do chores each day. If you are an active person who loves to explore, then these doggos are perfect for your lifestyle.

3. Siberian Huskies love an independent, free-spirited life.
Some dogs prefer to be in your space all of the time. It feels like you’ve grown an appendage when you try to get some work done around the house. A Siberian Husky is not going to be this way. These dogs do just fine when finding work to do during the day. As long as they have the confidence in knowing that their pack is going to be by their side at all times, then you’re going to have a positive experience with them.

As the dog gets older, you’ll find that a Siberian Husky tends to become more dignified and reserved instead of playful. They tend to be friendly with everyone instead of being loyal to one person or a specific family member.

4. It is an economical breed to consider.
The Siberian Husky was originally bred to manage the harsh conditions of the north. That means they can manage on minimal food. It tends to be their preference to avoid overeating, even when the doggo finds himself in a comfortable position. Many dogs will pass up the occasional meal, especially if they haven’t had an opportunity to run and play during the day.

You’ll want to provide your Siberian Husky with a diet that’s rich in fat and protein to manage this eating approach. If you’re unfamiliar with these dogs, then it will help to consult with a breeder to know what foods will provide the most success.

5. Siberian Huskies are clean and odorless dogs.
Huskies have a preference to be clean each day. They’ll roll in the snow or seek out clean sources of water to give themselves baths if they feel like they’re too dirty. You won’t have the same odor issues with a dog in your home that you can get with other pups. Their approach to staying clean is so meticulous that many of them will like their coats like a cat to ensure that they aren’t overly dirty.

That means you may encounter some issues with hairballs that can be problematic in the gastrointestinal tract. If you have a Siberian Husky with a sensitive tummy, then be proactive about baths and grooming to prevent this issue.

6. This breed has a striking appeal for people.
The looks of a Siberian Husky cannot be ignored. You can spot this breed immediately because of their striking coat, attentive ears, and the tail that looks like a giant paintbrush. Their stance is quite wolf-like, so it appeals to the basic nature of our long-term partnership with dogs. Some Huskies even have bi-color or brown eyes instead of the glacial blue, which only adds to the charm. If you see one in a shelter, then they are going to stand out from the rest of the pack.

As long as you’re ready for the challenges that these dogs can bring into your life, then a Siberian Husky is a legitimate breed choice to consider.

List of the Cons of Owning a Siberian Husky

1. Huskies are often way too smart for their own good.
The intelligence of a Siberian Husky is something that you can never underestimate. These dogs do not like living in any captive situations. That means if there is a place for them to escape in your home or yard, then they are going to find it. When one doesn’t exist, then this breed will create one for them to manage. They can squeeze through small holes, chew through their tie-out, and even learn how to open locked doors.

Think an electric fence will slow down a Siberian Husky? Think again. Their thick fur interferes with the shock it provides. Even when you use a collar-based system, the urge to explore with this breed outweighs whatever discomfort they experience from these training devices. You can never let your Husky be off of the leash because of this trait.

2. Some Huskies don’t play well with other pets.
If you get a Siberian Husky as a puppy, then the other pets in your home can become part of their pack. When you adopt one, then the predatory instincts of the animal tend to be stronger as an adult. You will find that the drive for prey doesn’t disappear when you raise these pups at home either. It is imperative that you always supervise this breed around other small animals in your home. That includes other small dogs, cats, and caged animals.

Some dogs might never go after another pet. It might be a daily occurrence for others. The intelligence levels of this breed mean that you can’t fully trust them at any time. You might be being set up for a future where the cat becomes dinner.

3. Siberian Huskies have high stamina levels that you must manage.
The Siberian Husky is a complete opposite of a couch potato dog. They are always moving, doing something, or plotting to take action in some way. The best thing you can do for this breed is to give them as much open space as possible. You’ll want to ensure that they get a fair amount of exercise every day to avoid unwanted behaviors as well.

Let your Siberian Husky have at least one daily walk, followed by supervised playtime in your yard. Socializing your pup is helpful, and most owners find that adding a second dog from this breed keeps everyone happy and entertained. There is one rule to always follow: a tired Husky is a good dog.

4. You can experience stubborn behaviors with Huskies.
The independent nature of the Siberian Husky mixes with their intelligence and stamina to create a lot of stubbornness. You must be willing to enforce constant rules and consistent guidance with this breed in your home. If you allow one exception, then your dog will exploit the loophole eternally.

It is not unusual for a Husky to give you a blank stare when you issue a command, even though you know that they know what to do. If you stick with positive reinforcement and dialing bonding, a training routine is possible.

5. Huskies have a robust pack drive to manage.
You are going to have a pack order in your home if you have a Siberian Husky. There’s no way to get around their drive to be in a family. They must have social time with you and preferably other dogs every time. Putting this breed in a kennel often creates physical symptoms like diarrhea, restlessness, and a lack of appetite. If no one is at home for a long time every day, then a different breed is a better choice for your lifestyle.

Even if you can let your Siberian Husky have the run of the house when you’re at work, their need for companionship creates emptiness if no one is home for 8+ hours every day.

6. You will need to manage the shedding issue with a Husky.
The Siberian Husky has a coat that sheds heavily every time the season changes. That means you’ll need to thoroughly comb it out twice per year to prevent a massive load of fur from wandering all over the house. It’s going to get on your furniture, clothing, and everything else. The best thing that you can do to manage this situation outside of a daily combing is to invest in a strong vacuum cleaner.

Their fur is so durable that some people spin it into a usable yarn called Siberwool.

7. Your dog is going to talk to you… a lot.
Some Huskies seem to pick up human language traits so that they can speak to you with their barking, howling, and other sounds. Other individuals seem to like making noise because they have the capability. If you have a bored doggo at home, then your pup will speak its mind until you listen. That can mean hours of endless noise that your neighbors might not like. It can be fun to engage with their vocalizations, but it gets old when your Husky wants some attention at 3 AM every night.

8. Prepare for digging behaviors from your Husky.
If you have a Husky and a backyard, then be prepared to have holes dug in the lawn. There isn’t much you can do to stop this behavior because it goes back to their predatory instinct. They’re used to digging in the snow to find something to eat, so they’ll put holes in your yard to replicate that behavior. No amount of scolding is going to fix the issue, so you’d better find a place of compromise that you can manage.

9. Siberian Huskies do not make great guard dogs.
A Siberian Husky might look like an intimidating dog, but that’s about the extent of their ability to guard your property. If a bad guy tries to break into your home, they’ll be greeted by a friendly smile and a wagging tail. The look and size can discourage some people, but anyone familiar with the breed is going to know that they aren’t going to be stopped. You might get some barking or howling, but that is more because the dog wants to play than stop someone from coming through the front door.


It can be an overwhelming experience to have a Siberian Husky as part of the family. Many people also find it to be a rewarding way to embrace an active lifestyle. When you bring this doggo home, then you are going to have a friend for life. There isn’t a more loyal companion.

That means it is up to you to provide exercise and entertainment for your Husky. A bored dog is one that can become destructive. Having lots of toys, time outside, and a long walk every day is an excellent recipe for success.

When you evaluate the pros and cons of owning a Siberian Husky, it is helpful to think of them as a born convict. They like to destroy stuff and escape. Give them the proper stimulation, and you’ll have a successful experience.

About the Author
Brandon Miller has a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a seasoned writer who has written over one hundred articles, which have been read by over 500,000 people. If you have any comments or concerns about this blog post, then please contact the Green Garage team here.